Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Unexpected Events of Life

Life seems to have a way of always keeping us off balance and on our toes. I have written about having life figured out and then having everything falling apart and then we know nothing. That happens to a lot of people and sometimes it can be enough to make someone want to quit trying and just give in and give up.
Its easy to ask why me when these things happen. I do it all the time even though I try so hard not to. I don't think wondering why helps anything it just makes it worse. When we focus on why things happen, we feel bad about our situation and loose sight of all the good things that are around us and the blessing we have. We don't take time to appreciate the things that we appreciate about the situation that we were in and only want to go back to where we were. I know that's something that happens in my life. Change isn't accepted well by most of us and it causes stress and worry in our lives. I won't go so far as to say there aren't some why questions that we can ask that will be beneficial. But I do belief that asking "Why Me?" isn't one of them.
Life can be cruel and heartless at times. Its hard to accept that most of the time when other people are involved, freedom of choice can be a very hard thing to deal with and accept. Sometimes it doesn't matter how you feel or what you want, people make choices that affect us and it hurts sometimes. Sometimes it hurts worse than you could have ever imagined or have ever been hurt before. I have pondered on why this is part of life and haven't really come up with any good answers and I don't know if I will ever know the answer. One thing I believe is that things happen for a reason in life. That belief doesn't make it any easier to deal with some of life's monkey wrenches but it does make it easier to look at what happened more objectively. It makes it a little easier to ask the question " What do I need to learn from this?" or the question "How can this situation make me a better person?"
I probably am the last person who should be writing this right now. Im just spewing thoughts that have been on my mind on to the computer screen and in a lot of ways I need to just follow my own post and do these things in my own life. Life can be so hard at times and it can seem like no one cares or is there for us. I know that this isn't true, there is always someone who has our back and will be there for us no matter what. We sometimes loose the people that get us through the days and seem to make life worth while. But no matter what happens life goes on and if we sit around and only think about what we had we will miss out on so much. Don't get me wrong I don't think that it is easy to just get on with life. That might me one of the hardest things for us to believe and really do. It takes time to heal and then we can move on with life. And I don't know that you can really put a time limit on how long it will take to heal and be able to move on. All I can say is thank goodness for family and good friends and also for the good lord and his help.

1 comment:

T.J. said...

Hang in, Kam. That is all I can say. Remember the the disciples of old as they attempted to navigate a storm tossed sea per direction of the Savior, himself. Imagine their their dismay, feeling somewhat forsaken in the tempest. Then Christ comes to them walking on the water. Peter in his excitement desires to join the Lord above the sea, a task much more difficult and faith-staking then simply floating in a boat. Christ bids him to come and for a small moment he succeeds. But his faith fails and he begins to sink. At the foot of the Savior, in his very presence Peter begins to sink just as we sink into deep dark despair. But without hesitation and with complete love, Jesus reached out and caught Peter. Remember that. His hand is always stretched out ready to retrieve us. Hang in, Kam.